Deep Mess



When you use password in Hashdown’s password editor, the same password is required to decode.

Special Password

When the following special password is used, the data won’t be protected by the password:

  • 0
    • When password is 0, the output is forced to use raw UTF8 without compression or encryption
  • 1
    • When password is 1, a one byte salt is used, and there will be 256 different possible outputs
  • 4
    • When password is 4, a 4 byte salt is used, and there will be 4294967296 different possible outputs


Markdown is a makrup language that can easily convert text to html

Markdown example:

use raw html inside Marddown:

Editing Mode

  • A : Plain Text
  • # : Markdown Preview
  • A|# : Markdown Editor,Text and Rendered Markdown are shown side by side
    • Click the A|# Button multiple times will switch to pure editing mode, and the encoded data area is hidden to give more editing space